• Joy与锦鲤

    Joy story II : Joy and Koi

    动画广告短⽚ Animated Commercial

  • broken image

    JOY STORY II : JOY与锦鲤是 Pinta Studios 为京东 JD.com 第16个“618·周年庆”制作的⼀部短篇动画。通过JOY与锦鲤的温馨互动为消费者和合作伙伴们送上鲤跃⻰⻔的美好祝福。
    Commissioned by JD.com to celebrate the 16th anniversary of “618 Shopping Festival”, Pinta Studios creates “Joy story II : Joy and Koi”, an animated commercial about a loving story between Joy, the company’s mascot and a Koi, a carp earnestly hoping for good luck.

    客户 :京东 Client : JD.com

    导演 :王铮 Director : Zen Wang

    制作 :平塔工作室 Production : Pinta Studios



