• 烈山氏

     Shennong : Taste of Illusion

    原创VR动画短⽚ Original VR Animation

    broken image
  • 奖项

    2018 第75届威尼斯国际电影节VR竞赛单元 75th Venice Film Festival - Venice VR

    2018 瑞丹斯电影节VR竞赛单元最佳VR体验候选作品 Raindance Film Festival 2018 VR Competition - Best VR Experience

    2018 高雄电影节国际短片竞赛VR竞赛单元 Kaohsiung Film Fetival

    2018 Siggraph Asia电子剧场竞赛单元 Siggraph Asia 2018 Computer Animation Festival

    2018 圣保罗国际电影节VR竞赛单元 42nd Sao Paulo International Film Festival

    2018 Anima Mundi国际动画节VR竞赛单元 Anima Mundi 2018 Festival

    2018 巴黎360电影节竞赛单元 360 Film Festival

    2018 砂之盒沉浸影像节 最佳中国作品 2018 Sandbox Immersive Festival – Best Chinese Immersive Experience

    2019 罗马尼亚国际动画电影节 展映 Animest International Animation Film Festival

    2019 23届釜山国际电影节VR剧场展映 Busan International Film Festival VR Theatre

  • 故事简介



    Shennong : Taste of Illusion is an adventure story about a hero of prehistoric China. It describes a battle between Shennong, the god-king of Chinese medicine, and a beast from his illusion. Shennong explores a forest, deep in a valley, to collect unknown plants with unique tastes and effects. A glamorous flower seduces him, but when he tastes the petal he gets poisoned. Shennong falls in illusion as the flower turns into a mythical beast, which torches him to his last breath. In the despairing darkness, he is revived by a secret friend. With the awakening’s superpower, he conquers the beast, breaks the illusion and acquires another valuable plant. 

  • 观影方式

    请在Steam平台下载观看,需要VR设备。Available at Steam.
