Pinta Studios 的内容创作团队均来自国内动画电影公司,电影特效公司,游戏公司和互联网公司,具有丰富的内容创制作经验;
Chief Executive Officer
Pinta Studio 联合创始人,毕业于中国科学院计算所,曾于阿里巴巴从事数字娱乐方向工作,阿里巴巴高级运营专家,也是阿里巴巴家庭战略项目的核心成员,对新科技媒体和泛娱乐领域有丰富的经验,对影视版权、商业化运营和创作流程有深刻的理解。
Lemony Lei is the co-founder and CEO at Pinta Studios. Graduated from the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he worked in digital entertainment in Alibaba for several years. He is Alibaba's senior operations specialist also a core member of Alibaba's family strategy project. He has rich experience in new technology media and pan-entertainment. He has deep understanding of commercial operations and creative processes.
Chief Marketing Officer
Pinta Studio 联合创始人,曾就职于腾讯,网易以及阿里巴巴,并担任重要职务,在市场,品牌以及营销方面具有超过十年的丰富经验,以及强大执行能力。
APEI, co-founder and CMO of Pinta Studios. Before Pinta, he has plenty experience in marketing, branding and public relations for over 10 years in Tencent, Alibaba and Netease.
Chief Creative Officer
Pinta Studio 联合创始人,资深动画导演。曾就职于追光动画,十月数码,青青树等原创动画电影公司,参与《大圣归来》,《摇滚藏獒》,《小门神》,《阿唐奇遇》,《白蛇:缘起》等动画电影的主创工作,具有丰富的动画电影立项,编导,及制作经验。
Mi Li is the co-founder and director at Pinta Studios. His career spans 10 years as a computer animation director, screenwriter and story artist, His credits include Screenwriter for Monkey King:Hero is Back, story artist for Rock Dog, Liittle Door God , and original story for White Snake.
Production Designer
Executive Producer
导演、美术总监。曾就职于BRC Imagination Arts和追光动画,有超过十年的概念设计和艺术指导经验,在捕捉影像视觉和美术风格上,具有敏锐,独特的见解和丰富的经验,带领团队系统,高效,准确的传达影视内容的情感和叙事。王铮毕业于Art Center College of Design,工业设计/娱乐设计专业。
Zen Wang previously worked as Production Designer at Light Chaser Animation Studio and designer at BRC Imagination Arts. Zen visualizes the moment of imaginations. With 10-years’ experience in concept design, he captures the emotion of life and experience and tells stories through form and rhythm. He creates an essential production design process for the team to convey ideas to motion pictures. Zen received his MS in Industrial Design and Entertainment Design from Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles. Prior to his life as an artist and designer, he earned a B.S. in mechanical engineering.